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2020 Gardening Resolutions


Happy New Year! A new year and a new decade are upon us. With all this newness surrounding us, it is an optimal time to make some changes for the better and map out some plans for the next year and beyond.

When it comes to making resolutions in my personal life, I don’t always create a list of resolutions at the beginning of the year. If there is something I would like to improve upon I make a plan at the moment I realize it and work on it then instead of waiting until the new year. However, I typically do start the new year with some goals and things I would like to do better for the year. Plants and growing them is a big part of my life, as they may be for you as well. Starting the year with some improvements to your garden is a great way to keep in line with other resolutions such as being more active and staying healthy.

Having new seasons and each year different weather conditions gardening resolutions can be made at the beginning of the year. Resolutions can also be made at the beginning of each planting season if that is an easier way for you to manage and stick to your resolutions. I thought it would be fun to start out 2020 with a few gardening resolutions of my own.

2020 Gardening Resolutions

I Need More Green

Cherry Berry Hosta

I may have mentioned my love for all things green in a few other blog posts. Purple is my favorite color for clothing and most anything else, but green is my second favorite color. When I am spending time in nature, green is my top color choice. I love a monochromatic green garden full of ferns, hosta, elephant ears, as well as groundcovers like sweet woodruff, pachysandra, and vinca. If I am on a hike with my dogs and stumble onto a grove of ferns my eyes light up and signals of joy in my brain start ringing. There is just something about the calming and serene nature of the color green that makes my brain feel illuminated.

My first planting related resolution is to plant some Lady Fern, Cinnamon Fern, and more hosta at my home in 2020. I have a decent selection of hosta in my shaded back yard and front yard, but with over 500+ cultivars of hosta, it is hard to select only a few. It is always best to plant bulbs and perennials in the growing conditions they thrive in. Since I have so much shade and an obsession with green plants, adding more ferns and hosta to my garden will be an easy resolution to uphold.

Start Begonias Indoors

Picotee Begonias

I love the large flowers that tuberous begonias provide. Begonias grow well in my shade to part shade locations around my house, so I stick with what grows well. In 2019 I did have begonias growing in my containers, just like I have had for the last several years. However, my begonias in 2019 were not grown from tubers that I bought from Holland Bulb Farms like I usually do. They were bought from a *gasp* small greenhouse as potted plants. I know, it feels wrong still that I wouldn’t start my own begonias from tubers. Growing begonias from tubers is less expensive than buying potted plants, but also a fun project to start working on during the end of winter.

With numerous options for colors and sizes of begonias grown from tubers, there really isn’t a reason that in 2020 I can’t plan a little better and grow tubers for my containers. In 2019 I had a red and also red-orange begonia in my main planter. Since spring is a bit far off, I haven’t decided what color begonia I will plant yet, however orange tends to go well with the purple and green plants I like to plant in my containers. I still have time to decide on what begonias I am going to plant in 2020, but at least I know I am going to start some begonia tubers as one of my 2020 gardening resolutions.

Eat More Salads with Fresh Herbs

Salad Mix Herb Kit

No, I am not going to be eating salads in a garden…although that sounds delightful so maybe I will eat more salads in a garden in 2020! Resolutions to get healthy are some of the top resolutions people make each year. Whether it is to be more active by exercising frequently, joining a gym, losing weight or making healthier food choices it is very common for resolutions to center around health.

I can always tell when I need to get back on track with healthy goals, as I typically start eating more salads. I like most vegetables so variety when it comes to salad ingredients isn’t an issue for me, but sometimes I do get a little bored with salads, and then get off track with my healthy eating.

A good way to spruce up any salad is with a homemade dressing that uses fresh herbs. You can buy fresh herbs at a grocery store, but they can be kind of expensive. A better way to have fresh herbs for your salads all year is to grow your own herbs. With the herb kits that Holland Bulb Farms sells you can grow your own herbs all year round, therefore your salads can have that fresh flavor no matter if it is 10 degrees or 100 degrees outside! Holland Bulb Farms even has a Salad Mix Herb Kit that has basil, chives, and parsley included in the kit. These herbs are perfect for all types of salads and fresh meals and are a fine complement to any healthy eating plan.

Send more Garden Gifts to Friends

Waxed Amaryllis

The older I get the more difficult it is to buy gifts for certain people in my life. In addition to that, I feel that I could do a better job of sending random gifts to people I care about, just because. Sending flower bulbs like amaryllis in winter to help beat the winter blues. Wouldn’t you love to receive a surprise amaryllis this winter from a friend?

In spring when everything is growing and blooming sending a package of begonias, or a favorite perennial to a friend is a way to celebrate the spring season.

Since I don’t have a lot of sun in my yard I am limited on what I can grow. However, I have friends with sunnier yards who would be happy to receive garden gifts of dahlias, callas or cannas. They would get to enjoy a gift of flower bulbs and I would get to enjoy seeing them bloom and grow-we both win!

In fall sending a package of tulips to a friend is a gift that they will enjoy when they receive it and the following spring when they start to grow and bloom!

Spread the Love of Gardening

Jenny Doing a Facebook Live Segment

Gardening and plants have always been a part of my life, even if at a young age I wasn’t always into gardening or appreciating plants. Looking back at moments in my life and recognizing that I have always been drawn to plants, flowers, and nature, in general, it is clear to me that I was meant to be involved with gardening and plants. It did take about 20 years for me to realize that I want to learn more about plants and help other people learn about plants. I have worked in the green industry since I was 20 years old, and have acquired a variety of knowledge about trees, shrubs, perennials, and bulbs which I like to share with others.

I get to spread the love of gardening through this blog, as well as through live broadcasts on the Holland Bulb Farms Facebook page. I want to continue to spread the word about plants, flowers, and gardening through this blog to a diverse audience. Social media sites like Facebook and Pinterest are other avenues that I can use to spread the love of gardening to new and existing gardeners. Perhaps you can help me to spread the love of gardening by sharing information and articles from the Bulb Blog with your friends and family. Together we can make the world a better place to live, love and grow in!

What are YOUR gardening resolutions?

Perhaps you haven’t thought about setting any gardening resolutions because you were busy working on your other resolutions. I hope that this list of gardening resolutions for 2020 has inspired you to set some goals and make some plans for the upcoming year. You may live in a place where the winters are long and cold, but one of the best ways to get through those cold and snowy days is to daydream about your garden and make some plans.

Setting resolutions for your garden is an excellent way to stay focused on the spring blooms that will come and the warm summer days that never end. Let me know what you resolve to do better in the garden this upcoming year and if there is anything I can do to help you with that resolution I am happy to help!

Need Gardening Help?

If you need any help with gardening or if you have plant-related questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Jenny San Filippo. She can provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed with your next project!

Contact Jenny

Shop For Bulbs

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Fundraise With Bulbs

If you’re looking to run a fundraiser in the fall, spring or during the holiday season, Flower Power Fundraising is an excellent option! Sell a wide assortment of bulbs and earn 50% profit on all of your sales! It’s fun and easy!

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