Forcing Hyacinths For Indoor Blooms in 8 Simple Steps

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Mixed Hyacinths
Mixed Hyacinths

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How to Force Hyacinth Bulbs Most fall-planted bulbs (such as tulips, daffodils, and hyacinth) require a chilling period in order for them to bloom and grow correctly. In climates where the winter temperatures remain cold enough for an adequate period of time (zones 2 through 7), this chilling period is provided naturally when bulbs are planted outdoors. However, if planting…Read More

Flower Bulb Chilling and Forcing: 101

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Having a plan when it comes to gardening sets you up for future success. Planning now for winter garden projects as well as the awakening of the earth in spring can reap bountiful rewards. Planting pre-chilled bulbs for indoor forcing or gardening in warm climates requires early planning for the best results. Working with chilled bulbs can help to ease…Read More

Forcing Flower Bulbs – Part Two

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Part II: Starting the Forcing Process Ok. So you’ve decided to try your hand at forcing some flower bulbs (or your lack of time to plant the fall bulbs you purchased has decided it for you). Let’s start the process! First off, you will want to decided HOW and WHERE you want to chill your bulbs. This will be largely…Read More

Forcing Flower Bulbs

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Tete a Tete Daffodils
Tete a Tete Daffodils

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Part I: What is Forcing??? We’ve all been there: for one reason or another you didn’t get to planting your spring-blooming bulbs this fall. Maybe you live in an apartment or condo where you have no yard, maybe the weather turned colder faster than you expected, or maybe you just plain didn’t get to it. Whatever the reason may be,…Read More

Favorite 8 New Fall Bulbs for 2024

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Flower bulbs are like Jello, there is always room for more! Yes,  you can always find places to tuck away a new grouping of spring-blooming tulips or daffodils. It’s part of the fun of gardening; experimenting with new flowers. You never know when you will plant your new favorite! A few years ago I discovered my favorite tulip is El…Read More

Can I Store Bulbs Over Winter?

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Storing bulbs over winter, can it be done? The short answer is yes, you can store bulbs over winter! The long answer is it depends on what kind of bulbs you would like to store over winter and for what reason. We’ll get into additional details on why you would store bulbs over winter. Which bulbs are best to store…Read More

Top 12 Unique Daffodils to Plant this Fall

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Daffodils are some of the most recognizable spring flowers. They signify that spring has arrived and help usher in a new season of growth and change. Gardeners adore daffodils for their ease of growth, resistance to common pests, and colorful blooms. Standard yellow or white daffodils or even a mix of daffodils are the most common types seen growing in…Read More

January Garden Ideas and Plans

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Fall Varieties
Fall Varieties

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January is one of the last months I think of as a time to be in the garden. Perhaps it’s the cold and bare landscape of the state of Wisconsin that I live in that prevents me from gardening. However, not all people are located in a frozen tundra. Yet, for many gardeners in the United States, the winter months…Read More

Need Gardening Help?

If you need any help with gardening or if you have plant-related questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Jenny San Filippo. She can provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed with your next project!

Contact Jenny

Shop For Bulbs

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Fundraise With Bulbs

If you’re looking to run a fundraiser in the fall, spring or during the holiday season, Flower Power Fundraising is an excellent option! Sell a wide assortment of bulbs and earn 50% profit on all of your sales! It’s fun and easy!

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